sabato 26 marzo 2016

Important dates and events of the ancient world

1. Important dates and events of the ancient world

33 A.D. Foundation of the Church, Ascension and Pentecost
42 Council of Jerusalem: split from the Synagogue
64-67 First Roman persecution by Emperor Nero
70 Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple
212 Emperor Caracalla grants universal citizenship
284-304 Diocletian: reform & persecution. Armenia 1st Christian country
313 Constantine’s edict of toleration at Milan
330 Foundation of Constantinople
380 Edict of Thessalonica (Theodosius) makes the Christian faith the official religion of the Empire.
410 Rome sacked by the Roman army with Alaric as its Magister militum.
451 Huns defeated at Châlons.
476 End of Western Roman Empire
496 Conversion of Clovis king of the Franks
529 Justinian’s closes down Plato’s Academy in Athens and issues Institutions of Civil Law
St Benedict founds Montecassino
532 Denis the Little dates history from the Incarnation

2. Important dates and events of the High Middle Ages
622 Muhammad’s Hejira

638 Jerusalem falls to Islam

674 & 718 Islam checked at Constantinople by Greek fire
692 Trullan Council first symptom of Christian disunity (priestly celibacy)
711 Islam conquers Iberia (Spain & Portugal)
732 Islam checked by Charles Martel at Tours
741 Conversion of the Khazars to Judaism
756 Pepin’s donation of land starts off the Papal States
787 Iconoclastic controversy & Second Council of Nicea
800 Charlemagne first Emperor of Holy Roman Empire
846 Islamic sack of Rome
861-9 Schism of Photius
1054 Schism of Kerularios. Orthodox Church breaks with Rome

3. Important dates and events of the Low Middle Ages

1071 Double Byzantine defeat at Bari and Manzikert
1073-85 Pontificate of Gregory VII – Spanish Campaign of the Cid
1099-1187 Jerusalem in Christian hands
1138 Council of Étampes restores order after the antipontificate of Jew Pierleoni (Anacletus II)
1204 IV Crusade. Sack of Constantinople
1200-05 Foundation of Bologna and Paris Universities
1213 Battle of Muret ends Cathar danger. Infiltration of sects however continues.
1215 Magna Charta deals first blow to feudal system

1231 Roman Inquisition by Gregory IX

1291 End of Christian presence in Holy Land
1305-78 Popes in Avignon
1347-50 Black Death (& gunpowder) deals second blow to feudalism
1356 The Golden Bull establishes electors for Holy Roman Emperor
1378-1415 Schism of the West. Council of Constance

1453 End of Eastern Roman Empire to Islam. Spice and silk routes blocked

1456 Gutenberg Bible printed at Mainz
1497 Portuguese bypass Islam via the Cape route
4. Important dates and events of the Modern Age

1492 Islamic Kingdom of Granada comes to an end
Spain expels the Jews, who regroup at Constantinople, Amsterdam and Venice.
Columbus lands in America, unaware of earlier landings (Vikings, Chinese)
1511-17 Beginning of the Protestant Reformation
1519-21 Conquest of Mexico
1533-1603 Defection of England from Catholic unity
1546-64 Council of Trent
1565 Islam checked at Malta
1571 Islam checked at Lepanto
1582 Reform of the calendar
1609 Bank of Amsterdam institutes modern usury
1618-48 Thirty Years War. Treaty of Westphalia sanctions divided Europe
1683 Islam checked at Vienna
1694 Bank of England and beginning of National Debt
1717 Freemasonry goes public two years after Louis XIV’s death
1751-80 The Encyclopédie intellectually attacks Christian civilization
1789 Revolution strikes France. Vandean genocide

5. Important dates and events of the Contemporary Age

1806 End of Holy Roman Empire
1815 Napoleon defeated at Waterloo by the forces of usury and by treason
1815 Congress of Vienna. Impotent potentates try in vain to restore order
1819 The Haute Banque usurps monetary sovereignty
1848 Communist Manifesto. Failure of revolutionary attack. Preparations for WWI begin
1861-65 American Civil War
1869-70 First Vatican Council. End of the Papal States
1908 Donmeh coup in Ottoman Empire.
1914-18 First World (Great) War. Armenian genocide (1915)
1917-20 Khazar takeover of Russia. Failure in Bavaria, Hungary and Italy
1920 League of Nations
1929 Papal States restored as Vatican City
1930s Economic crisis and depression
1936-39 Spanish Civil War checks Bolshevik attempt at takeover
1939-45 Second World War succeeds in founding the UN.
1948 State of Israel
1962-65 Second Vatican Council
1989 Apparent collapse of Communism. The baton passes to the same crowd but in the White House. Russia recovers its cultural identity.
1994 Providential advent of Internet
2001 911 marks the beginning of a global attack on civil liberties.
2008 Global financial collapse. Global elite accelerates takeover tempo.
2012 Widespread waking up of people the world over thanks to the Net.

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